When we jump in the car, Charlotte usually asks if we are going to the fabric store or Starbucks. If you know me at all, you know I love Starbucks. I’ve worked there, and I go there frequently. So I was browsing all of the cute felt food out in blogland and I was trying to think of something Charlotte could relate to. This is what came to mind! I decided field research was necessary, so I hopped in the car and headed off to sbux. I ordered a coffee and a pastry, and I snagged an extra cup sleeve. Then I came home – all hyped up on caffeine and sugar, and whipped up these little beauties. Here’s the tutorial if you would like to make some!
You will need:
- white felt
- dark brown felt
- light brown felt
- pink felt
- coffee sleeves
- sbux pastry bag
- needle and thread
- polyfill
- sewing machine
- pins
- scissors
- Step 1: Cut out the pieces for the cups.
2 Dark brown circles – 3″ in diameter
2 white circles – 2 1/2″ in diameter
2 white pieces – bottom measuring 7 1/2″ and the top measuring 9 1/2″ inches
draw diagonal lines connecting the bottom to the top.
- Step 2: Now cut out your doughnut pieces. The starbucks lid makes a perfect circle to trace for these. You need two light brown, and two dark brown. Then cut out a lazy, squiggly shape to make the icing. One out of pink, and one out of dark brown.
I am mimicking Starbucks’s mini doughnuts:
- Step 3: Pin the icing on one of the circles. Topstitch it on. about 1/8″ in from the edge of the icing.
Place the other circle on top (right sides together) and stitch around the edge, leaving about an inch open for turning and stuffing. Stuff it with stuffing.
- Step 4: Using a needle and matching thread, hand stitch it closed. Then hand stitch the circle shape in the middle. I didn’t want to actually cut out a circle, because if you look at the Starbucks ones, the icing sinks down in the hole and covers it.
- Step 5: Make the cups. Start with the large cup piece. Sew along the sideseam.
Pin the white circle to the bottom of the cup(smaller opening), and sew all the way around.
Now pin the brown circle on the top and sew around, leaving about an inch open for turning and stuffing.
Flip it right sides out. I poured some lentils in first to weight the bottom.
You don’t want your coffee cups tipping over!
Then I stuffed it full of stuffing.
I slipped the sleeves on first so that I knew I would get it stuffed the right amount.
Then just hand whip the opening, and you are ready for a coffee date!
Have fun! and if you make this little project, or any other from this blog, don’t forget to upload a pic to the Flickr pool!
AND if you make a Valentine’s craft or food item – please join our Linky Party – click over there on the right side bar! Have a great day.