Grain Free Pumpkin Blueberry Muffins

This week I am attempting organization by baking and cooking lots of things to stick in the freezer for after the baby comes. Last week I made these grain free muffins, which turned out pretty good, but I wanted to tweak the recipe a bit. They are packed with protein and fiber from the coconut ...

Delectable Apple Crisp

Last night I made this apple crisp - it's kind of a mish mash of several recipes, but it turned out great so I wrote down what I did and decided to share (yeah the pic is not great because I had already started eating it then ran into the kitchen to snap a pic before I gobbled it all up).  ...

American Indian Fry Bread

...or an acceptable way to eat funnel cake for breakfast.  It's not exactly like funnel cake - more like something in between  funnel cake and a doughnut. SO good.  Not sweet so that's why you top it with sweetness.  I know you want to make some.  Just throw your diet out the window for a day.  ...

Simple Fruit Galette

My mom and sister are visiting this weekend, and Saturday night after we enjoyed some Chicken and Dumplings we were in the mood for something sweet. I had a refrigerated Pilsbury Pie Crust in the frig (those are THE BEST pre-made pie crusts) - so I whipped this simple galettte.  It was delicious! ...

Chicken and Dumplings

After this and this and this we were all ready for some of this! This is my recipe for Chicken and Dumplings. It's a combination of several different recipes, with my added special ingredient of Red Pepper Flakes.  You don't add so much that it makes it too spicy, just enough to add ...

Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes

One of the favorite flavor combination's of the season - now in a bite-sized cupcake version! This is an easy recipe and a sure hit at any holiday party. Here's what you will need: Devil's Food Cake mix eggs oil water small, bite-sized peppermint patties mini cupcake ...

Healthier Snacking

You know, by now, that we love football. A large portion of our Saturdays is devoted to watching it. AND we like to eat "football food" while we watch. You know-foods that don't require utensils, like burgers, wings, chips and dip. We really like to make onion dip and eat it with pretzels. ...

Sew Homegrown